Oakland Avenue Presbyterian Church Prayer Quilt Ministry
Oakland Avenue Presbyterian Church Chapter # 1150
We meet every Tuesday, except in July, at 9:30 am -1:00pm in the Church Fellowship Hall.
Prayers & Squares is a non-denominational ministry dedicated to promoting an active prayer life among its participants. Prayer quilts are made to serve this purpose. The quilts are finished by tying. As a quilt is tied, a prayer is said with each knot.
The prayers are offered for a specific person to pray for them. The quilt is given to that person as a tangible sign of prayer, and as a statement of our faith in God. We believe that prayer is a powerful tool which God has provided for us. As quilts are needed, they will be displayed in the sanctuary on Sunday morning and worship participants will add prayers and knots and sign the accompanying card.
We make the Pocket Prayer Squares for everyone to use and share. They are in the baskets in the Welcome Center and in the front of the church. Our Pocket Prayer Squares have already been shared in many other states and in other countries. We send them to our soldiers who fight for our country’s freedom. We also have members of other churches asking to share our ministry.
Brochures for suggesting a quilt recipient are in the basket with the Pocket Prayer Squares in the Welcome Center.
Members will meet once a month to construct the quilts and Pocket Prayer Squares.
Contact Martee Patton martee1950@gmail.com or the church office (803.327.2006) for more information.
Everyone is welcome – from beginners to experienced quilters! Even if you don’t sew, we need people to cut and press.
There are many ways to help with or support this ministry:
Donate clean fabric
Press fabric
Cut material
Attach cards to accompany the quilt and prayer squares
Sew strips to make squares
Sew pearl cotton into the quilt for tying
Identify someone who needs a prayer quilt
Assist with fund raising
Pray for our ministry