Oakland Avenue Presbyterian Church Prayer Quilt Ministry
Oakland Avenue Presbyterian Church
Chapter # 1150
We began our Prayer Quilt Ministry in August of 2014 with about 10 people. We have grown a lot since then. We have people who can help us sew, as well as others who help with turning the prayer squares, pressing the squares, inserting the crosses and threading the quilts. It is a group open to anyone who wants to help with the ministry. We also have members from other churches in Rock Hill. In 2021, we changed our name to the Acorn Quilters. We meet every Tuesday, except in July from 9:30am - 1:00pm.
The ministry began because we wanted to find a way to get together others in our church who enjoy sewing, as well as fellowship. Our group is based on the original PRAYERS AND SQUARES: A Prayer Quilt Ministry that was started in California. We joined this organization and from them received the patterns that we use for our ministry.