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Oakland Avenue Presbyterian Church Prayer Quilt Ministry
Pocket Prayer Squares
Pocket Prayer squares are made especially for you to slip in your pocket or purse. Throughout the day when your fingers touch the cross that is tucked inside the quilt, you will be mindful of Godʼs love and grace for you. You may keep it as a tangible symbol of Godʼs peace, or if you prefer, say a prayer for someone else and pass it along in the form of this tiny gift.
Since beginning our Prayer Quilt Ministry in August of 2014, we have made over 5000 pocket prayers squares. They have traveled all over the United States and world to places like Syria, Haiti, Mexico, and other places. We have received requests for the Pocket Prayer Squares from the police, the armed services, other churches, and hospitals.
If you want to make these small quilts, you will find the pattern here.

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