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Oakland Avenue Presbyterian Church Prayer Quilt Ministry
Pillowcase Dresses
Thanks to the generosity of Springs Creative and many OAPC seamstresses, the Quilting Ministry group was blessed with a lot of child-friendly fabric that was perfect for “pillowcase” dresses. We made 45 dresses in girl’s sizes 2-12! These were dedicated in Worship on March 19. We found that Eastminster Presbyterian Church (Stone Mountain, GA ) is sponsoring a group of 10 dentists and 9 dental students from Medical College of Georgia to go to Haiti on April 1. Partnering with a local Catholic priest, they will give the dresses, tee-shirts and prayer squares to the children after their teeth are examined. Please remember these mission workers in your prayers as they actively "Love God, Love neighbor." Join us on one of our next projects (including those who don't sew.)
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